Adjustable Fantasy Body Parts v1.0
Adjustable Fantasy Body Parts allow you to easily create Customisable Wings, Horns, Ears and Tails and attach them to any character you want.
The Fantasy Body Parts come with the Adjustable Mannequin v1.3 but it is available as it’s own product if you don’t want the Adjustable Mannequin.
Horns and Tails
The Horns and Tails are both Geometry nodes systems and all you have to do is draw the shape you want and the curve and mesh will be generated for you.
You can manipulate the curve points to modify the shape or change some of the Geometry Nodes settings to create different horn or tail styles.
The wings are another Geometry Nodes system but a bit simpler.
Again, all you do is draw the shape of your wings and it will create a solid mesh for you, and from here you can start sculpting to add more details to flesh out the shape.
Remember, this is designed to be a basemesh, it won’t create fully modelled and rigged wings for you, this is just to give you something to start from.
How to Draw Curves
In order to draw the Horns/Tails/Wings you have to use the Draw Spline Tool.
With the horns selected (if you deleted all of the curve points you can select it from the Outliner), enter Edit Mode and on the left-hand side, find the Draw Spline tool, be careful not to select the Annotate Tool as they look very similar.
Now with the Draw Spline tool, simply draw your shape.
You can play around with the tool options at the top. If you want it to be drawn on the surface you can enable Surface , or it can be drawn based on the location of the 3D cursor.
Enable Only First and this will make only the very first point of your curve stick to the surface.
If you’re not happy with the shape, you can select any of the points and transform them using Blenders basic tools. (G – Move, R – Rotate, S – Scale)
Enable Proportional Editing (O) and scroll the mouse wheel to increase it’s influence and this will transform connected areas together.
If a point is too sharp you can scale it and it will smooth out the curve.
Lastly, the Customisable Ear is a fully modelled Ear with a Rig that allows you to push and pull the different points to create different ear shapes.
I’ve also included a few ear presets to choose from, again just select the ear preset you want and it will be applied to the mesh.
NOTE: The Adjustable Fantasy Body Parts are available as their own separate product, so if you just want those, you can get them separately, but it’s included as part of the Adjustable Mannequin.
Fantasy Body Parts parameters
Each of the Geometry Nodes systems have their own settings and parameters that can be changed.
Below you’ll see examples showing you all of the different Geometry Nodes settings for the Fantasy Body parts and how they affect the different body parts
Vertex Amount
The Vertex Amount controls the number of loops along the length of the Horn Curve.
If the horn you created is very long, it may need more vertices along its length to make it smooth.
Alternatively you can turn this down for a more Low Poly look.
Turning up the Vertex Amount will also be important for the ridges and twisting as you need more detail to get the full effect of those controls.
Horn Base Size
The Horn Base Size control adjusts the size of the base of the horns.
Use this along with the Horn Tip size to change the size of the horns.
Horn Tip Size
The Horn Tip Size control adjusts the size of the tip of the horns.
Use this along with the Horn Base size to change the size of the horns.
Ridge Size
The Ridge Size control changes the size of the ridges on the horns.
This will be used in combination with the Ridge Amount setting to create ridges along the horn.
Ridge Amount
The Ridge Amount controls how many ridges there are along the length of the horn.
If you don’t see anything, you’ll need to turn up the Ridge size and increase the Vertex Amount to create more ridges.
This is also proportional to the amount of Vertices you have, so if you want more ridges, turn up the Vertex Amount.
It works best when the Vertex Amount is divisible by the Ridge Amount:
Vertex Amount: 256 Ridge 128, 64, 32 etc.
Horn Length
The Horn Length control changes how long the horn is.
This will essentially just cut the horn while maintaining all of the Ridges/Twists etc.
Horn Profile
The Horn Profile setting allows you to choose a Horn Profile.
These Horn Profiles are simple Curve Circles, but you can adjust the shape of them and this will change the overall shape of the horn.
By default there are two horn profiles, Round and Square but you can adjust these or create your own.
The profiles start with .Horn Profile so that they show up at the top of the list.
Modifying Horn/Tail Profile
Changing the horn profile allows you to change the overall shape of the horns and you can do this with a Curve Circle.
By default there are two, but if you want to create a custom one, you can create a new Curve Circle and you may need to scale it down so it’s roughly the same size as the two default ones.
To quickly and easily modify the shape of the Curve Circle, you can change the Transform Pivot to Individual Origins, and then scaling all of the points will turn the circle into a square by tightening up the bezier handles.
Twist Amount
The Twist Amount control allows you to twist the horn along its length.
The twisting isn’t very visible with a Round Horn Profile, so change it to square and you’ll be able to see the twisting.
As well the Square profile, you may need to adjust the Vertex Amount if the model looks too sharp.
The Material setting allows you to select a material to apply to the horns.
Geometry Nodes objects don’t use the Materials that are set up on the object, you have to manually assign it.
The Tails Geometry Nodes system is very similar to the Horn, the only difference is that we can change the shape at the tip of the tail. I’ll cover how we can use the different parameters to change the tail shape.
Vertex Amount
The Vertex Amount controls the number of loops along the length of the Tail Curve.
If the tail you created is very long, it may need more vertices along its length to make it smooth.
Alternatively you can turn this down for a more Low Poly look.
Turning up the Vertex Amount will also be important for the ridges and twisting as you need more detail to get the full effect of those controls.
Tail Base Size
The Tail Base Size control adjusts the size of the base of the tail.
Use this along with the Tail Tip size to change the size of the horns.
Some of the Tip Shapes will need a larger tail to work correctly, so use these two controls to make it match
Tail Tip Size
The Tail Tip Size control adjusts the size of the tip of the tail.
Use this along with the Tail Base size to change the size of the horns.
Ridge Size
The Ridge Size control changes the size of the ridges on the tails.
This will be used in combination with the Ridge Amount setting to create ridges along the horn.
Ridge Amount
The Ridge Amount controls how many ridges there are along the length of the tail.
If you don’t see anything, you’ll need to turn up the Ridge size and increase the Vertex Amount to create more ridges.
This is also proportional to the amount of Vertices you have, so if you want more ridges, turn up the Vertex Amount.
It works best when the Vertex Amount is divisible by the Ridge Amount:
Vertex Amount: 256 Ridge 128, 64, 32 etc.
Tail Length
The Horn Length control changes how long the horn is.
This will essentially just cut the horn while maintaining all of the Ridges/Twists etc.
Tail Profile
The Tail Profile setting allows you to choose a Tail Profile.
These Tail Profiles are simple Curve Circles, but you can adjust the shape of them and this will change the overall shape of the tail.
By default there are two tail profiles, Round and Square but you can adjust these or create your own.
The profiles start with .Tail Profile so that they show up at the top of the list.
Tip Shape
The Tip Shape control allows you to change the shape of the end of the tail.
Setting this to 0 will remove the tip. The rest of the shapes are:
Pointy Tail
For some of the tips, like the Shark/Mermaid, you’ll need to change the Tail Size and/or the Tip Size to make them fit correctly.
Twist Amount
The Twist Amount control allows you to twist the tail along its length.
This is very useful for rotating the tip of the tail. Usually minor adjustments will allow you to rotate the tip of the tail to face the camera for example.
The twisting isn’t very visible with a Round Horn Profile, so change it to square and you’ll be able to see the twisting.
As well the Square profile, you may need to adjust the Vertex Amount if the model looks too sharp.
Tip Scale
Tip Scale allows you change the size of the shape at the end of the tail.
The Material setting allows you to select a material to apply to the tail.
Geometry Nodes objects don’t use the Materials that are set up on the object, you have to manually assign it.